all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3AA 21 7 53.773941 -2.713286
PR2 3AB 15 4 53.773554 -2.713264
PR2 3AD 20 0 53.774065 -2.710527
PR2 3AE 15 4 53.774664 -2.709505
PR2 3AF 72 0 53.773529 -2.717512
PR2 3AG 4 0 53.775602 -2.717651
PR2 3AH 35 2 53.774292 -2.716251
PR2 3AJ 37 1 53.775903 -2.717265
PR2 3AL 23 2 53.776295 -2.716422
PR2 3AN 11 0 53.775793 -2.717718
PR2 3AP 8 0 53.776213 -2.71815
PR2 3AQ 28 8 53.776965 -2.718251
PR2 3AR 13 3 53.776699 -2.7177
PR2 3AS 4 0 53.775914 -2.716548
PR2 3AT 10 0 53.775744 -2.716837
PR2 3AU 12 1 53.776326 -2.717317
PR2 3AX 56 0 53.774301 -2.717753
PR2 3AY 20 0 53.775818 -2.719187
PR2 3BD 24 1 53.775096 -2.715536
PR2 3BH 12 5 53.777042 -2.70983